Cravings and Struggles Continue

Breaking Free: A Journey to Being Truly Satisfied
Day 5

1Corinthians 10:12-13, Galatians 5:16-26

God you have given me a way out of temptation, you have made it clear the specific times I struggle.  Now please help me to stop and think, not to act in haste or to be motivated by desperation, but to be wise.  I want to be able to see beyond my temporary need for food and out to the far reaches of victory, eternal glory and life everlasting.  I can’t see right now how my problem with food could get in the way of my salvation yet I can already see how it has prevented me from having a deeper relationship with my Redeemer.  If time and again I seek comfort or pleasure in food and not Him I slowly distort my view of him and say to my heart, “He is not enough.”

I am feeling like a need to take a breather and take in all that I am discovering about myself and my addictions.  There I said it!  I have avoided using that word because to me it is ugly and not my problem.  I heard recently that people often make incremental progress in their faith rather than dramatic big leap changes and I would be apt to agree with that.  This however feels like one of those moments of serious life change. 

Part of me fears that when this study is over or life gets carried away that I will fall back into my old patterns or that I may even replace this food addiction with a new one.  When I stepped on the scale this morning and had not seen a change I was disappointed, but I heard God gently whisper in my heart “Is this about looking better?  Or do you want to draw closer to me?”  If my only goal is to look better, get attention, have smaller clothes and feel more attractive then it will not last and my fears will become a reality.  If I replace this idol of food with a desire for attention then I am back where I started.  I see it in my blog too.  I’ve already had ideas about how to turn my journal into a series, but am I motivated by the idea of people reading my work or by the earnest desire to share this breakthrough so that others may be blessed by it.  These very real and raw emotions are hard to decipher. 

With my Bible open, drawn to the already underlined portions, I see the answer.  It is found in Galatians 5:16-26.  Let me dive into Your Word today Lord, hungry and burning with passion for something lasting, let me seek you!
My journal companion while working through the Made to Crave 21 day challenge and the book Made to Crave.
