Sunday, February 26, 2012

Perfect Provision

Recently I heard a sermon on Mark 2:1-12, The Paralytic Man.  This man is carried through the crowded streets by four of his friends ON a stretcher, UP a ladder to a rooftop and then lowered to a room below, jammed with people all huddling around Jesus.  These friends knew the stories going around about Jesus, that he could heal and that was exactly what they hoped for their friend, HEALING.  Upon seeing the man Jesus announces that his sins are forgiven. 

Imagine your the man or even one of those tired friends who had spent a whole day to get your paralyzed friend to the feet of Jesus, for what?  Some sins to be forgiven?  That wasn't what they prayed for!  That wasn't what they had worked for!  Yet Jesus in his perfect wisdom knew exaclty what that man's greatest need was; to be clean on the inside, free from the bondage of sin and the crippling effects it has.

Those present that day huffed and scrutinized Jesus for even daring to presume he had the power to do such a thing!  HOW DARE HE?!  What is more amazing, that He can heal our bodies, or that He can heal our souls?  Without one the other is not much good.  In the end Jesus does indeed heal the man's body to show those who doubted that He IS God.  Still many of them doubted, today we too doubt.  Perhaps because what we have prayed for, the provision that we seek, we have not seen. 

When I got looking at the term provision and the meaning "to make preparation to meet a need" I could not help but think that God so often is behind the scenes making preparation on a need of mine even before I know that I need it.  Does that speak to any of you?  Have you prayed for provision and then seen later how God had been laying the foundations of the answer?  In James 1:17 it says "Every good and perfect gift is from God" and His timing is perfect as well.

Clearly our family is praying for provision for our adoption.  We seek God's mercy in meeting this need and we call on the body of Christ to help us meet this need.  It is perhaps one of the most humbling things I've ever had to do.  From the day I was born I have been an independant creature, never wanting help, usually waiting till I was desperate to call in for reinforcements.  However, over the last year God has been laying a foundation and teaching me how to ask and to recieve help of various kinds.  Even as I was preparing to send out our letter announcing our adoption God was showing me his perfect provision.  It may sound like a silly coincidence, but I just happened to have the exact number of stamps for the number of envelopes with adresses.  I mean EXACTLY!  Again, with our house, our mortgage lender told us it was a slim chance we would be able to save two months of payments during the refiance.  Wednesday we close on the loan of which we ARE saving two months AND it is the day before our payment is due for our homestudy, PERFECT PROVISION!

It isn't the kind of provision that makes you feel at ease weeks or months before an event.  It isn't the kind that leaves a lot of room for cushion or error.  It is the kind that leaves you knowing it is God alone who provides, it is God alone who carries you.

So I ask, my friend, what are you asking God for today?  What provision do you seek?  Rest assured God's provision IS perfect and always on time!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snow: An Unusual Answer to Prayer

It has been a particularly hard week around here in the Robbins house.  Nothing tragic, nothing earth shattering, just trying.  Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you try or how much you do it is just not enough?  Are you barely keeping your head above water in the sea of responsibility?  One night as I was tucking Ty into bed, tears streaming down his face, Seth screaming and Levi whining; I’m trying to explain why I’ve been so busy.  The dishes need to be washed.  The laundry must be cleaned, even if it isn’t put away which around here is not happening all that often.  Meals must be prepared, bills paid AND Daddy has to go to work.  Sorry Kid it’s the sad truth.  You know what he says to me?  “But mom when you’re doing all those things you’re not spending time with me.”  Ouch! Do you ever get so caught up in God’s work that you eventually realize you’re not really spending anytime with Him? 
That night after prayers I promised Ty to be more intentional about the time I spent with him.  With a big sigh and a heavy heart I closed the door and wondered how on earth I was going to be able to manage all this AND have time to just play?  A game or two of tick-tack-toe and a few inches of snow later God provided the answer.  A snow day!  Even though today was a federal holiday I had planned to do school since with the adoption there are so MANY days that we have to either skip or augment.  Winter is almost over.  This very well may be our one and only snow this year.  This is snow that the boys have been seriously praying for since Christmas, lets enjoy it! 
Levi, Seth and Ty


Dragging Seth and Levi around and around the yard today in the sled I felt very much like a carnival pony taking little children around the same tiny loop, but it was all worth it!  Tonight at bedtime there were no tears and no regrets and my heart was just a little less heavy.  There are still dishes in my sink, but what else is new?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Education Required!

Have you ever been in a situation and thought TMI! Too much information!  Man is my head swimming with too much information.  As part of our adoption we are required to complete 10 hours of adoption education.  Thanks to Chris we are almost to our goal.  He is quite the student.  The one class I actually did was almost enough to make me want to run for the hills and hide out for awhile!  The possibilities of health issues, attachment disorders, the list goes on; it's scary.  I value being prepared and knowing what lies ahead, but in this very moment I'm going to lean on Jesus and take hold of the words he spoke to the disciples out in the storm in a little dingy,"Have courage!  It is I!  Don't be afraid."

Monday, February 6, 2012

Baby Steps: To Act

This last week Seth took his first step!  With wobbly legs eyes fixed on the prize, he dared to move from his secure position into the arms of his daddy.  Now is that not just a picture of us as God's children?  We stand secure in our current position aka comfort zone, eyes locked on our heavenly Father, but darned if those legs aren't shaking!  In Micah 6:8 it says

"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the Lord
require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God."

As we take these steps to act, to love and to walk we are not just tackling a spiritual to-do list.  It is a plan that God has laid out to bring salvation to ALL people that includes you and me.  We are his hands and feet in the world.  I praise God that we do not have to stumble around in the dark for

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
Psalm 119:105

Each day I can see with every step I take, he is setting a course, a journey that takes us around the world and back, one that will change our lives forever.