Those Eyes are Calling
"Captivating Beauty" by Ruthie Robbins based on 1Peter 3:3-4 |
I want to take a moment on this worthy occasion to give a different kind of gift, one of words and one from the heart. What follows is a personal nod to my own wife, but also marriage and lasting love. To my wife, my love, happy Mother’s Day. To the rest of you… Enjoy, it’s cheaper than roses.
Those eyes… don’t look too deep into those eyes… you’ll get lost. You won’t be able to find your way back out if you look too deep into those eyes. They’re like a siren song, calling you in, calling your name. Come to me, dive into me, be consumed by me. She has those eyes. Those eyes that change with her mood and the weather, but always enticing, always mesmerizing.
They draw me in, they call me now, they know my name. Oh, what a sweet song they make with their gaze, what an enticing invitation. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to be forever lost in them and the beauty they hold. Come to me they cry, the song grows louder and louder still. Lose yourself, fling all you have aside and crash into my gaze.
The song deafens the mind, only the heart can hear now. The heart knows the song, it sings along in tune. It thumps and pounds and drowns out the mind, lost in the sea of those eyes. Come to me they beckon, you are almost here. The siren song has drawn me in, I am spent on the rocks of the shoal, but blissful still. My heart laid bare before her there, given to those eyes.
Can I, should I, find my way out of these depths… or stay forever lost in the abyss of those eyes. Oh, why go, there is nothing out there that cannot be found here, the warmth, the love, the rapturous embrace. I am found now that I am lost, deep, deep in her eyes. The gaze has felt like an eternity though only a moment lingered. It is broken only as she looks away, off into the distance still.
My mind begins to hear again, the Heartsong weakens slowly, never gone, never silent, playing softly every moment. The siren song plays on and on, I know the tune too well. It plays for me and me alone, it calls me ever present. I have looked too long, I have wondered too deep, I have lost myself and must live for her, lost but not lost, deep in her eyes. It is no curse, but rather a pleasure, to have given in to the siren song of life together.
My love, my life, my wife, and oh… those eyes.
- C
What a living tribute, Chris 💕