A Rarely Used Word
Define juxtaposition: “the act of driving down I95 while listening to christian music.” Well that’s my definition anyway. Now, if you aren’t familiar with Interstate 95 between Washington D.C. and Richmond, Virginia I applaud you for your good fortune. For the rest of us that are intimately aware of it’s painful nature you may have a bit better insight into my description of the rarely used word juxtaposition. Just to clear things up, the real definition is “the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.” At least that’s what Google says and hey, if Google says it… well anyway.
Back to my definition. I came up with it just today while navigating thick holiday traffic. Great music was booming out of my speakers and the name of Jesus was prevalent, and all was well. On the inside of the car anyway. On the outside was a hoard of individuals looking to get somewhere, and doing so without a care about anyone else around them. And that is where the juxtaposition begins. The sharp contrast of Jesus music setting the background to my myriad of epithets hurled toward those all around me. That’s right, don’t try and tell me you haven’t been there before, cursing anyone who drives faster than you as a maniac and anyone slower a fool. Let’s be honest, we have all been there.
But there is another great use of the word juxtaposition, an honest definition. It goes something like this; placing the glory of God against the everyday actions of… me, or you, or that guy next to you in traffic… fill in the blank with whatever you like. I have to say, when that thought hit me in the car it was a bit unsettling. It didn’t come as some huge put me in my place moment in regards to my relationship to God, but it did remind me of how hard it is to be on this side of a fallen world. I can’t even drive down the road without messing things up for crying out loud.
It’s also a great reminder that I don’t have to drive down that road in worry of messing things up. God knows I’m going to fail over and over again, and that’s ok because I know Him… and I know of His grace. It’s only because of that knowledge I can comfortably say “I messed up, again, and I’m sorry.” I can give up whatever that ailing feeling is, whether it’s something as simple as cursing to myself about the driver next to me or something far larger. I can give it all up, I can give it to the Lord above; the one that surrounds us and loves us as we are. I can do it right then and there with no special pomp or circumstance needed. Talk about comforting.
So the next time you take a drive on I95, or whatever road near you has selfish drivers on it (don’t they all), take a moment and breath. Relax and remember that we have all failed and we have all fallen short. We don’t have to be blaring christian music to appreciate that fact of life, although I do recommend it. Take an extra moment and perhaps let that too fast driver pass you by without reincarnating George Carlin in your car. Lastly, but most importantly, praise God for the grace He has shown you, and me, and remember what a juxtaposition life really is on this side of the fall.
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