Being the Lone Ranger Doesn't Work. We Were Made For Community!

Breaking Free.  A Journey to Being Truly Satisfied
Day 6

Bible passage Proverbs 17:17

I am so grateful that I do not journey alone in this monumental task of breaking through one of the biggest strongholds of my life.  For me accountability is huge and a big factor in my successful eating.  If I am to be honest and report to another human being my struggles, failures and every bite, I am less likely to cheat.  We are not meant to venture through life flying solo.  It is not healthy or wise.  A Christian is much more likely to have a strong walk with the Lord if they are connected to a healthy church and to be in relationship with those people.  They can be visible means of God’s grace to us in all sorts of life circumstances.  Rather than share a joy with a plate of desserts how much more of a celebration would it be to rejoice with a dear friend in the Lord.  It’s a lot less calories for both of you if you share the plate! 

My husband is also a great source of strength for me.  Today while making lunch I admitted that because I had missed my morning snack I was ravenously hungry and feeling tempted to eat what I was in the process of preparing.  He stepped in and finished making lunch.  Temptation avoided and back-up support to the rescue!  I’m not afraid to admit that I do love a man in shining armor!

Friends, spouses and church family are all blessings from God, demonstrations of his love for us.  I especially want to thank one of my friends in particular for partnering with me in this. 
 My journal companion while working through the Made to Crave 21 day challenge and the book Made to Crave.
