Determined Steps

Late last week I checked my email and nearly had a panic!  Our social worker said she had good news......we have a court date set for August 22.  I felt a bit confused, thought maybe this was a precourt kind of meeting.  Apparently there is no such thing!  Silly me!  To this point our timeline has pretty much run on schedule for an older child adoption from Taiwan.  Submitting our documents August 1st put us on track for receiving an October court date and traveling in December.  I thought we were on easy street, plans for fundraising clearly laid out and well within a manageable means. In November Chris will finish college.  It seemed perfect. 

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  Proverbs 16:9

This verse speaks loud and clear to us!  Nothing wrong with a plan, I love a good plan, but ultimately the Lord determines the steps that we take!

As many of you know fundraising can and is a great burden on adoptive families.  The call is clear in scripture to care for those in need especially those who are alien, widowed, or orphaned,  but when the need is great how can so few possibly answer the call and it be enough?  I don't really have an answer for this except to say that we believe in a BIG God, with infinite resources!

I came across this idea on another blog months ago and tucked it away for a rainy day.  Today is that day!  We need to raise $6,000 in order to travel.  This will cover airline tickets, food, lodging, translator, and child visa.  Again this is a large amount, but if we break it down this way

300 families giving $20 each = $6,000

Please  join with us in this effort to bring our son home.  At the top of our blog you will find a link to make tax deductible donations. 
 We ask for your continued prayers and help in sharing our story with others.  Consider sharing this on your FB page or blog.  Thank you so much!


  1. Posted on the RR forum for you. Hopefully they will all help spread the news. So excited for you to have your date!!! Praying the funds come pouring in!


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