New Opportunies
Original graffiti for youth room |
With our oldest being almost a teenager he is finally old enough to participate in youth group at our church. This has of course propelled us from working with the little children of the church to serving in Youth Ministry. A shift that has at many times found me stumbling and humbled. It is not easy or comfortable, but I find that at this time in my life, no longer being a young adult and certainly not a kid I am in a position to mentor those of that age. They are at a time in their lives when they need adults that can be real and available. Now that my kids are no longer in diapers and a little more autonomous I have the time to venture out.
Last summer I was privileged to chaperone our middle school youth to summer camp in Pennsylvania. Between my husband and a wonderful friend the five kids I left at home survived without me. Though many of our students had never been away from home like that before I was the only one that got teary eyed and homesick! Being able to connect with these teens and begin to form relationships beyond small group time or Sunday night youth group confirmed to me that God was indeed leading me in a new direction of serving.
Not only have our kids grown, the look of the family has changed as well. In November our foster sons returned home to their parents. It was an incredibly painful change that has eased into a place of peace as we settle into a new norm. God has been faithful to tend to our hearts and help us to heal. Even when He says no to us and changes our trajectory His love, care and character remain constant.
I had shared in my last posts that I was also dabbling more and more into art. This is in large part thanks to my mother-in-law and her encouragement and gift of art classes at a local studio. It is a gift I cannot repay and one I will be grateful for for many, many years! Art has been an incredible outlet and even a gift I have been privileged to share with my church family. Two of my most recent and largest works are currently being displayed at church. One of them was used as a promotion for serving within the church to encourage our members to use their own gifts and resources to both serve others and to honor God. Again like working with our youth it is both challenging and humbling.
Original art for Hope Church |
Don't be afraid to step out in the new seasons you find yourself. Each of these new places is a new opportunity to see where it is God is shaping, pruning and leading. We each have something unique to offer to those around us and don't let the fear of not knowing where it will go keep you from taking that first step. And remember above all everything we do is for the glory of God, soli Deo gloria!
With love,
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