Two Choices

Breaking Free.  A Journey to Being Truly Satisfied.
Day 9

Bible Passage Galatians 5:22-23

It is easy for me to see that I am lacking self-control and not because I try so hard and I just can’t seem to stop myself.  I can feel that I really don’t want to let go and yield to the healthier choice whether that be not having seconds, a healthy option for a snack or going to bed at a reasonable hour.  Do I not want it bad enough or is the problem with me being too satisfied with the way things are?  I don’t want hard and I don’t desire to be uncomfortable, let alone in pain over the loss of my stuff or in this case some food and unhealthy habits.  Today I pray for dissatisfaction with my current state of being.  I want to have my feathers ruffled and a little bit of discomfort if that’s what it will take to have lasting change and a deeper relationship with my Lord.  This has gone on long enough. 
My journal companion while working through the Made to Crave 21 day challenge and the book Made to Crave.
